Soap Me Down And Wash Till Red
Angels were singing a song last night,
They woke me up with their song.
I thought me of Angels and their delight,
At the marvel of their throng.

The blended voices and bass bassoon,
Nothing on earth could compete.
I cannot remember all the tune.
Its melody was so sweet.

Yes, I long to sing with them, but how?
I would but ruin what I adore,
They sang about Jesus and I vow,
It seemed I’d heard them sing before.

It was us the sinner got caught,
We know the deeds of a foe.
But why do the Angels sing I thought,
We could not say they did not know.

If Angels sing O’re a world gone mad,
Dip, me and scrub me, with soap.
Yet, they were singing and I am glad,
I’m glad for the Angels hope.

I’ll surely join in the jubilee,
They come and sing at my bed;
If Angels of heaven have time for me,
The signal surely is red.
H E Crane